07 January 2010

Reader Question: Tied up, tangled up

Hello all!

One of the blog's faithful readers sent an organizing question via Twitter (www.twitter.com/LaurenOrganizes). Here's her question:

How can I keep cords for everyday things from getting tangled? Is it true if you wrap them u can cause a short in it?

Whether you are trying to conquer cords that are currently in use, or figure out what to do with cords that are not in use, there are lots of solutions! Let's look as some...

  1. Twisty Ties!: Wrapping your cords in a figure-8 and then securing them with a twisty tie (read: trash ties) will keep small and wiry cords from tangling. 
  2. Toilet Paper Rolls!: Wrap the cord into a figure-8 and then slide it into the toilet paper roll. Next you can label the roll to signify which type of cord/wire/cable you have inside! Takes away the guess work. 
  3. Cable Ties!: We use these at home and they are my favorite for making the wires behind the TV stand, or computer desk, neat.  Use the cable ties to group wires and then cut the excess off the tie to keep it nice and neat. Cable ties can also be used for cables/wires/cords that are not currently being used. 
  4. Rubber Band!: Oh the wonderful multi-purposed uses of the rubber band! For cords you use frequently (eg: flat irons and blow dryer), use a rubber band to secure cords. A lot of small appliances have an L-shaped cord (it's L-shaped where the cord and the appliance meet), so it would be best to wrap the cord, in a figure-8 until that section. Secure it with a rubber band.    
  5. Trouser Sock!: Use a trouser sock, or any sock, to keep cords neat! Cut the toe of the sock off and slip the sock around the cords to keep them all in one place! 
  6. Cassette Tape Case!: Yes, I know in this technological age, people don't use tapes, but for those of us who still have tape cases lying around, you can use them to store USB cords (think Ipod or camera) and earbuds. 
There are also organizing solutions you can purchase to keep your cords in check. Take a look at this video on RealSimple! One of my favorite websites!

After consulting with an electrician, excessive pulling, bending, stretching, and smashing is what causes shorts in cords. The actions have to be excessive and abrasive to break the delicate wires inside the cord. THIS is what causes electrical shorts wires. So, be careful and use the figure-8 when storing cords because it creates soft loops that are less damaging to the internal wires.

Let's get the cords under control!

Until Next Time...

04 January 2010

Gifts Galore!

Good Gifts! Bad Gifts! Small Gifts! Glad Gifts! What do we do with all those gifts?!

(Ok ok. I had a Dr. Seuss moment. Just indulge me for a second.)

I've been joking with my loved ones about how we "won" this year with our gift giving, everyone received things they really like, if not love. We didn't exchange many gifts, but all the ones received were wonderfully accepted. I guess the planets aligned and God smiled upon us, because that doesn't happen often.

So for all those who received itchy pajamas, a sweater 2 sizes too small with NO gift receipt or tag, or 5 new pairs of black shoes (YOU shouldn't complain...kidding) this post is for you...

  1. As always, take inventory: I've realized, this is always in my top 3 organizing tips,  but what can I say? It really helps us figure out what we should keep or not keep. First, sort the gifts according to what you like, dislike, and are on the fence about. Next, try on (if it's clothes) or ponder whether or not you really need/want/like the "on the fence" gifts. From there, they should be transferred to the like or dislike pile. 
  2. Pick 'em up, Put 'em down: For each duplicate, give something away. For instance, if you received two new sweaters this year, give away 1 or 2 older sweaters that you don't wear often to charity or a friend/family member in need. This keeps room in your closet/child's toy chest/other area for new items without clogging your space. Be a blessing to someone else. 
  3. White Elephant gift exchange!: You're never alone in receiving a bad gift. There is always someone else with a similar experience, but since one man's trash is another man's treasure, you can plan a White Elephant party where people bring one gift that they dislike in hopes of swapping it for something better. You can Google "White Elephant Gift Exchange" to find the rules. 
  4. Re-gift it!: This does not necessarily mean giving the gift back the way in which you received it. Sometimes we can just take certain parts of the gift and use them to create something new. As an example, you got a gift basket with yet another oversized coffee mug, and your cabinet cannot bear to house one more. So you can give the coffee mug along with a book to your friend as a birthday gift. 
  5. Re-gift...your things: As new items come into the house (through gifting or sweet holiday sales), let's view this new year as a time to purge and give. Purge your home of unnecessary excess and give to those who have a need/want. While you are being a blessing to others, you can receive tax deductions for the 2010 tax year!

 So let's all start the New Year off right! Organized and ready for any challenge!
Have A Happy (and productive) 2010!

© BeSpoken Spaces 2010