Happy February everyone!
I hope this year has been filled with as much productivity as possible.
While I have been working diligently at leading an organized life over the years, I realized my biggest problem was PAPER! School work, bills, magazines, and other papers were not only taking over my life but also accumulating at a steady pace. During my time with BeSpoken Spaces, I've realized that a lot of our clients have paper problems. Whether it's mail or small notes, there's paper tucked away in every room of our homes and offices.
So, while The New Year is still new, let's look at some ways to make a paperless (or near paperless) life possible!
- Meet Online Statements, They are your friend: Almost any company you may have a relationship with has online statements. Cell phone companies, student loans, banking institutions, and everyone between has an option to go "paperless" and depending on the company, they will give you a cash incentive to do so! This does not mean you have to pay your bills online, you can still use whatever method you choose.
- Use Those E-mail/Cell Phone Contacts!: If you are constantly checking your email on the phone, why not input all of the random business cards and slips of paper housing numbers in your email/cell phone contacts? Most, if not all, email systems have options to save phone numbers, addresses, and lots of other information under each contact. So save the number and toss the paper!
- Love Magazines? Newspapers? Read them online!: Many of your favorite publications now offer online subscriptions! You can read Wall Street Journal or People Magazine online and without the hassle of accumulating periodicals.
- Print When Your Life Depends Upon it!: Print a report for your boss if he will not accept an electronic copy. Don't print every interesting article you find on Essence.com. Need I explain more?
- Recycle!: It's inevitable that we will encounter paper in life. If we don't create it, someone else will give it to us. Shred and recycle the papers you do not need. For the papers you accumulate that are VERY important, scan them onto your computer and keep them filed electronically. If you fear someone may hack your computer, use a USB drive!
Paper is an relentless foe, but YOU can overcome it! There is more to be discussed, but for brevity, I will leave that for another post!
DON'T FORGET to send your questions via Twitter, Facebook, or Email (lauren@BeSpokenSpaces.com)! Your questions will make future posts!
Until Next Time
~Lauren :)
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