09 November 2009

Come Out The Closet!!!

When I began my business, I KNEW without a shadow of doubt that this is what I wanted to do. I sent an email to friends and family (read: EVERYONE in my address book) to inform them of my career change, services provided, and so on.

Some responded with congratulations and well-wishes, and a few responded asking for my services, but I am grateful for both.

So, my second client happened to be a First Lady (NOT Michelle O., but a pastor's wife) whose closet needed to be baptized in the waters of organization.

They live in a beautiful home with tons of space and where painstaking detail is being utilized to decorate the home of their --no, probably HER--dreams. Let's be honest, most men don't care about duvet covers, valances, blinds, and Egyptian cotton. SONY, HDTV, BOSE, and Comcast/Direct TV/NFL packages are right up their alley.

After a full tour and a small catch-up conversation, she takes me to the space in question. When I saw the closet, I knew it would take a while. Everything that should AND shouldn't be in a closet was there: clothes, shoes, handbags, hats, house deed, financial papers, their adult children's clothes, checkstubs, DVDs, VHSs, CASSETTE TAPES (WHO owns those??), and three Bibles.

After her apologies, I reassured her that she's not the only one with a messy closet and I discussed my vision for it ("a closet for clothes and accessories only" how novel?). Now let's work! Standing in that closet room, I felt alone. I'm running cross country without Ipod or anyone else on on the road for miles. Since they have a flat screen in the bathroom (Thanks to her husband), Tyra, Oprah, and Wendy Williams kept me company...."how you doin??"

After 8 hours, 3 bags of trash, and 3 bags of clothes to donate to charity, Houston, we have a clean closet.


  1. Keep Non-Clothes Related Things Out The Closet: One acceptable item to keep in your closet is a safe.
  2. Schedule Time to Put Up Clothes: If you are very busy, maybe pick one day/week to put the clothes away that you've worn in the past 7 days. In a utopian society, we would make our beds in the morning and put away our clothes after we wear them.
  3. Purge: You know you don't wear stone washed jeans and unitards, so WHY are they still in your closet? Give them away.
  4. Take Inventory: Assess your closet, see what you need and what you desire to make your clothing selection more fashionable and/or functional.
  5. If You Store It, You Will Keep It: The better you store your clothes (think garment bags, hat boxes, shoe horns, shoe boxes), the longer they will last, and the MORE money you save.
  6. NO MORE WIRE HANGERS!!!: Mommy Dearest said it best, but they really do compromise the integrity of your clothes. After picking up clothes from the cleaners, throw those hangers away! Ikea sells inexpensive wooden hangers. And The Container Store sells every kind of hanger your closet desires.

© BeSpoken Spaces 2009 


  1. Love your writing style and the fact that you included tips at the end. A great touch!

  2. Thanks for the helpful advice Lauren!!! I've been working on my closet for the longest. And lol @ How you doin??

  3. I'm so happy to see this take off the ground! You will be great! Look forward to reading more about the journey! :)

  4. I know this will be a great business for you. Thanks for the closet tips. I probably need to hire you b/c I have quite a few things in my closet that aren't articles of clothing.

  5. Can you come to my house please?????? I'm in desperate need of organization....lol. Especially seeing that I just moved from a house that I was in for 8 1/2 years. You have WONDERFUL ideas and I'm going to try to get with the program. Thanks sis!!!!
